Should you find that your referred clients have registered using an incorrect partner link, or they have inadvertently not been placed within your network, it is important to follow these steps to address the situation:
Kindly advise your clients to send a request email to our dedicated partnership management team at [email protected], adhering to the format provided below:
Subject: Request to transfer my account to be under a new Partner
Message: I hereby request to transfer my account with the email address: ………… (insert client’s email address) …………. to be aligned with the network of the partner bearing the email or code link:………… (insert partner’s email or code link)………..
Upon receipt of the request email, our team will thoroughly assess and verify the details. Subsequently, we will initiate communication with the requester to facilitate the necessary steps.
Upon approval of the transfer request, we will promptly notify the involved parties via email, confirming the successful completion of the account transfer.
Note: The transfer request email must originate solely from the client’s account for validation purposes.
What if a partner sends the email by themselves?
In the context of a Partner IB transfer, in the event that our company identifies any occurrences of non-transparent activities associated with the submission of the transfer request, we are committed to taking robust measures. Our foremost action will involve initiating a comprehensive investigation characterized by the highest level of scrutiny and professionalism.
Furthermore, it is important to note that our company is vested with the authority to implement a temporary suspension of your affiliate account’s usage. This suspension will remain in effect until the investigation reaches its conclusion, and this action may be undertaken without prior notification. The rationale behind this measure is rooted in our dedication to upholding the principles of transparency and integrity.
This suspension can be triggered under the following circumstances:
- (a) If it is determined that the submission of the transfer request was not carried out by the account holder personally. This step is essential to verify the authenticity and accuracy of the request.
- (b) In situations where concealed conflicts of interest come to light. Such occurrences undermine the transparency and fairness that we value in all our interactions.
- (c) Instances in which there is an apparent misrepresentation of business relationships. Clear and honest communication is pivotal to maintaining trust within the scope of our partnerships.